Sunday, January 28, 2007

Psalm 22 (Part Two)

Read this first

But we rejoice in the knowledge that our Lord's suffering was not in vain, as David continues....

I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel. For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. (vv 22-24)

Those dreadful hours in that resulted in Christ's death and subsequent resurrection were the mechanism by which God restored us to Himself. Those who are under the yoke of sin are now able to break free and turn to God. God did not despise His Son, or turn away from Him, but He used Christ's death to rescue you and I - according to His purpose!

...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)

Let's see what Isaiah 53: 4-5; 10-12 says as it gives us a better picture of what happened on the cross.

".... Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. "

".... Yet it was the will of the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief and made Him sick. When You and He make His life an offering for sin [and He has risen from the dead, in time to come], He shall see His [spiritual] offspring, He shall prolong His days, and the will and pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand. He shall see [the fruit] of the travail of His soul and be satisfied; by His knowledge of Himself [which He possesses and imparts to others] shall My [uncompromisingly] righteous One, My Servant, justify many and make many righteous (upright and in right standing with God), for He shall bear their iniquities and their guilt [with the consequences, says the Lord]. Therefore will I divide Him a portion with the great [kings and rulers], and He shall divide the spoil with the mighty, because He poured out His life unto death, and [He let Himself] be regarded as a criminal and be numbered with the transgressors; yet He bore [and took away] the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors (the rebellious)."

Thank God for His love towards us. We have Christ to thank for securing our eternal destination; and we must always thank God for Christ's death and resurrection; for now, Christ reigns supreme over all creation. He has received the Kingship and the Kingdom (Psalm 22:28).

Now Christ will be worshipped; He will be glorified and praised for what He has accomplished.

It is finished!

At some point today, take a moment to bow before the Lord in thanksgiving and worship. Be first in line to pledge your allegiance to the King of eternity; to serve Him and to tell of His wonders to the next generation!

Psalm 22 Full Reading

Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible,Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman FoundationUsed by permission." (

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