This psalm, penned by Solomon, is generally believed to be a prayer uttered from the lips of David, his father. However, as is habitual with many psalms, the prophetic runs throughout the verses, clearly pointing beyond Solomon's reign to the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. The words foretell things to come. They point to the eternal reign of Jesus, when He will come to (among other things):
- Judge the earth, (v 2)
- Cause righteousness to reign (v 3)
- Right the wrongs perpetuated by oppressors and abolish evil (v 4)
- Bring peace and cause the righteous to flourish (v 7)
- Rule over nations. (vv 8, 11)
Jesus is coming back one day, and when He returns, He will bring with Him the answer to your every desire (as placed in you by God Himself). Psalm 72 is proof that our hope in Christ is not in vain.
Moreover, your cries will not go unanswered, even now, for our Lord already reigns. Your life is precious in His sight, and you are of more value to Him than a flock of helpless sparrows, for whom He assumes daily care (Luke 12: 6-7). Meditate on the words of this psalm, until you are confident of your salvation, and of God's love and plans to help you in your hour of need.
Then lift up your voice and join the throng of those who call Him blessed. Let his praise rise on the tide of hope that swells within you as you rejoice in the knowledge that you have been saved, are being saved, and will be saved for eternity.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
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